

I have provided Leadership for Conferences, Retreats and Events for the last three years. Churches, Organizations, and Groups use my services, and so can you. I facilitate both as part of a team and as an individual. My methods can vary to suit the group, the subject and/or the environment.

Here are some of the things that I can do for you:

I can Plan and Facilitate:

 Retreats lasting from several hours to long weekends.

 Conferences lasting from several days to a week. This can include logistical arrangements as well as securing other leadership and support personnel.

 Recreational Events: Picnics, Reunions, Barbecues, Intergenerational Recreation, Square Dances, Coffeehouses, Festivals, Roasts, Awards Banquets, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Receptions, Tailgate Parties, Graduation Parties, and much more.

These are a few of the subjects and themes of retreats that I lead:

 Various Theological Issues, Teamwork, Cooperation, Creativity, Community Building, Service, Media and Society, Music, Recreation, Folk/Square Dance, and much more.

I am open to whatever else you and I can come up with. If you are looking for a positive growth experience for your group, business or organization, you need my services.

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